Must tell you before I forget - now that the crazy rain has subsided, go out and buy yourself this umbrella, IMMEDIATELY. You have time before the next monsoon!
I'm headed to Vermont today for a long weekend of music, organization, tidying up loose biz ends, and *maybe* some relaxation!! I've been go go go for the last two months or so, organizing a few big projects and also taking care of the household goodness while my man was recording albums with two of the bands he is in. I'm so excited to be in the wide open VT to enjoy this much-needed sunshine that we've been deprived of as of late.
A long-time outstanding project for me has been my website... no, not that one that forwards you to my Etsy page (which is great, but not where I want to be in the long run). The REAL one! I've met a fabulous web designer through a friend that will take my bare bones site (still not public) to the gorgeousness that I know it can be. We have set a deadline for May 1, though May 15 is our absolute last date that we'll have it all complete. That's just the design, then there is the data entry and picture uploading... that may take additional time since I'll be the only one doing it and although it's easy, isn't the most time-efficient CMS. You have to write tons of different little bits and thingamabobs, etc. just to post one item. However, at least a beautiful new site will be up and I will be one step closer to having my complete package in order! I'm VERY pumped about this and cannot wait to see the end result.
My pieces continue to sell well in the shops that I consistently sell to and I'm always sending new packages of pieces. I encourage you to get into these shops to check out my jewels! If I were you, I would turn off your computer immediately, no better yet - just leave the room right now and don't even think about turning the stove off and run out to one or more of the following delights: Topaz, Nomad, Koko, or Mint Julep... go, why haven't you left yet? Quit reading!
My booth set up has changed, thanks in large part to a very talented friend, Shaun Newell, that knows how to measure, use a level, work a saw, drill holes, you know... all the important stuff in life! He's fantastic if you ever need a good handyman. It's going to be beautiful and is set up right behind me, blocking our second computer and my clothing closet... I just bought new necks in beige so that my jewels can really stand out much more than on black necks (which I hated!!). The actual mini-walls and shelves that he built are all reused items - none new... they've all come from homes that have been been either renovated or deconstructed. These are all parts that have once been in someone else's home. I love that!

Keeps with my love of weathered objects and is right in line with my sometimes unhealthy love for recycling and reusing :) If you'd like to reuse building materials, check out the Building Materials Resource Center in Roxbury, MA.
I have a few other good projects up my sleeve that I'll reveal at some point in the near future, but wanted to send a shout out to the blogosphere because it's been so dang long since I've posted. I need to quit apologizing for this and just let it be what it's going to be, because I have simply accepted the fact that I will write when I feel like it and not force anything! Hooray! I'm staying true to myself and that is that :)
Have an excellent day and go buy that umbrella on your way to check out my new schtuff at the shops! Eat your veggies!
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