i quickly befriended a 7 year old girl named kelly... or wait, i should say, she befriended me... and she became my best customer. i was moved by her curiosity on prices (she had 17 dollars to spend and i was trying my best to work with her), her excitement about the stones' colors, and her constant smiles and happiness about life. in exchange for my deep discounts, her mother gave me free chowder, a chicken ceasar wrap, and drinks. her generosity was so unncessary that i asked kelly to pick out a pair of earrings to give to her mom for free. much to my happiness, kelly picked out THE pair of earrings that my own little mom made! this made me so happy, and i called mi moms right away to tell her the good news.
not only did i meet kelly and enjoy her fam's delicious chowder, i met some awesome tie-dyed wearing, free-loving folk named bryce and anthony.
despite the slow foot traffic, the new friends, the youth performing karate to michael jackson hits, and the beautiful weather really made my day.
as if these things weren't benefits enough, a woman approached me and we instantly bonded as she saw my obama sticker on my shoulder and she showed me her obama charm bracelet. after chatting with her about my jewelry for a bit, she asked me if i would be interested in selling my work in her store. of course i would, i exclaimed. haha, maybe i should ask where your store is and what is it like, anyway? i visited her boutique after the show was over with a few pieces she hand-selected and was pleasantly surprised to find this gem of a shop... here is a shot of her gorgeous store, sophias. it is as beautiful as she is - i met her father and can tell that they are going to be very warm, lovely people to work with.
i am so fortunate to have met such amazing people this past weekend, and i am so looking forward to this wednesday's arts on the arcade event in government center. speaking of which, ahem... i should build my inventory back up - sophia's took my best loot!
take care, lovelies :-)
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