i am happy to report that on this blustery day of thunderstorms and crazy lightening, i am a clammy happy one and enjoying the still of my candlelit bedroom/studio after everyone has gone to bed. i was just leafing through some friends' blogs and realized how fun this journaling can be...
let's see, what can i report that you, oh wonderful reader, can enjoy?
- i am currently making jewelry for an adorable boutique,
velvet ribbon, which is located in brookline's washington square neighborhood... i will be dropping some goodies off on friday!
- i am showing at the salem culturefest this coming saturday, so i am working my fingers to the bone as i build my inventory back up after selling much of it to SOWA and arts on the arcade customers
- i am starting another bullet point with i am
- i will be showing in government center on wednesday, 7/30, for the second of 4 events as part of the arts on the arcade gig
- much more 2 weeks out, but why blow it on this post when it's on my first of what could be oh so many!?
speaking of getting a hernia, i mean, preparing for all these shows... i can't tell you how many times i've climbed up and down the stairs to my apartment to load/unload my boyfriend's car with my set up - check out my walk-up!

that's like, a gajillion stairs. i'll be blasting through those bad boys this friday as i load up for salem. it's the very fair trade-off of sitting for hours to make pretty jewelry in exchange for a few minutes of walking up and down 3,000 steps, carrying tables and tents. i love it, though. i'm beginning to look into next year's shows, so please let me know if you liked any that are worth attending!
well, my beautiful friends, blogging 101 aka, my first blog :-) was fun tonight - i'll update you all on what happens with velvet ribbon!
stay out of the pool during these thunderstorms!