With the strength of tens of thousands of hammers per square inch, Thor, Jr., was once home with the incredibly talented Cynthia Eid, metal art master and educator. Since spending time with Cindy this past weekend and learning about all of the amazing ways to create gentle jewelry with this heavy piece of machinery, there was no doubt that the hydraulic press was and is a direction that would help evolve the next line of Sara Danielle jewelry!
Top: Sara & Cindy - passing the TJ Torch!
Middle, Left: TJ, lookin' fly...
Middle, Center: Sample pieces from the weekend, made with TJs help
Middle, Right: More sample pieces
Bottom, Left: Layout for embossing copper sheet
Bottom, Center: Embossed copper in the hydraulic press, ready for free form and 2000psi!
Bottom, Right: Crunch! The embossed copper and its embossed (weakened) spots "gave in" to allow this amazing, organic form.

There will be plenty of pieces created with this beautifully made piece of equipment, and we hope you'll stay tuned to see how TJ helps us get things done around the studio!