I will be moving in about one month, and I am elated. I currently run my business out of a very small corner of my bedroom, and in a mere four weeks, I will have an enormous studio where I can mix and mingle and be merry. And most importantly, twiddle my thumbs while appreciating the gorgeous gems in front of me. "Twiddle my thumbs" is actually a latin phrase for creating jewelry.
As I prepare for this move into a place that I can finally have more than one person in (wait, who am I kidding, I can barely fit in my own work space now), I look back on how much my business has grown over the past year and where I hope to be in another 365 days.
In business growth comes a lot of bumps and bruises, but also brings about some pretty cool victories and triumphs. What I've learned throughout this growth has been the most important part in this stage of my personal AND professional life. My work space was never proportionate to the grand visions that I had for my jewelry business, and though I struggled for a few months to accept my working quarters, I finally realized that I've learned that we have to be happy where we are Now and not wait for the proper conditions to arise to allow ourselves to feel the happiness. My small desk and 3x5 area afforded me the opportunity to learn how to be resourceful, build upwards, and how to clean up in a pinch. My bed, which is positioned directly to the right of my desk, has served as an extension of my workspace, growing quite comfortable with the mass of papers, loose baggies, open gem trays, and delicately balancing cups of water that are placed upon it. I list these things off as I look at them, and soon this will be just a memory of my humble beginning before I had my own real studio.
Being happy Now is a fundamental lesson that I appreciate in other aspects of my life, since none of us know when our time will be up or even when we'll have the opportunity to move into a another space (headspace or otherwise). I'm enjoying the Now. Also, I am very much so looking forward to the future.
With a new space will come new Things; Desks, Lamps, Chairs/Exercise Balls, Organizers, Square Footage... While I upgrade my Things in effort to outfit my new space, I will be reminded of my start in this biz - when I didn't have room for these Things before. Before being represented by independently-owned boutiques, before creating jewelry for amazing brides, before exhibiting my work at shows and seeing the same faces from my mailing list, before having too many gems to look at in just one tray, before being self-employed and before handing out my very first business card.
The learning curve hasn't been too intimidating, but the new space will bring on more new lessons in life that I am looking forward to conquering and writing about as I continue to grow.
Here is to Growth.. and here is to being happy Now!